FFPMRCA Examinerships

Appointment of FFPMRCA Examiners and Question Writers

The application window to appoint new FFPMRCA examiners is now Closed. 

The requirement for Appointments to the court of examiners or for question writers of the FFPMRCA examination shall be reviewed annually with recruitment activated as required by the BFPM with advice from the Executive.  The size of the Court or the requirement to appoint question writers shall be determined by the BFPM on the advice of the Executive.  Appointments shall be made for such a period as the BFPM may from time to time decide.

Details of the selection process and vacancies for the following academic year shall be openly advertised on this webpage, and in such other publications as the Executive may decide,in sufficient time for a list of nominations to be presented to the BFPM by a date that it shall from time to time decide.



The applicant should complete the application form in order to demonstrate that they meet all essential criteria  as set out in the Person Specification (PS).  The role of an examiner is set out in the Job Description (JD), and can also be found in Appendix B of the FFPMRCA Examination (Appointment of Examiner and Question Writers) document , along with the PS which is Appendix A.  

Completed application forms, including the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion form should be submitted to contact@fpm.ac.uk.  A CV is not required.

Equality, diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our culture at the FPM, so it is important to us that this is reflected in our recruitment practices.  We strongly encourage applications from individuals of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and perspectives to ensure we maintain an inclusive culture that encourages, supports and celebrates our differences.

Examiner specification  

Applicants shall be assessed against the FFPMRCA Examiner/Question Writer (as applicable) PS and in addition, throughout their term of examinership or as a question writer, examiners/question writers are expected to adhere to the duties and responsibilities set out in the FFPMRCA Examiner/Question Writer JD.  The PS and JD for examiners and question writers can be found below and at Appendix A to E of the FFPMRCA Examination (Selection and Appointment of Examiners and Question Writers) Regulations, also below.

Selection Procedure

After the closing date for applications the Executive will compile a list of applicants who in their judgement, meet the criteria as listed in the PS.  Applicants rejected at this stage will be informed in writing of the reasons why, and if appropriate, will be invited to re-apply when they become eligible.

Full details of the selection process can be found in Section 4 of the FFPMRCA Examination (Selection and Appointment of Examiners and Question Writers Regulations) document.

Term of Examinership and Commitment

New examiners will be expected to complete no less than 6 years and no more than 10 years an examiner and able to commit to at least 7 days per academic year or part time equivalent and has the support of their Trust to achieve this.

Please see the below table for dates of examination and standard setting meetings:

Examination date Tue 06 Feb 2024 Tues 17 Oct 2023 Tues 16 April 2024
Standard setting meeting Wed 21 Feb 2024 Wed 18 Oct 2023 Wed 17 April 2024


Probationary Year

New examiners shall initially be appointed for a probationary period (including a minimum of two examinations). 


No examiner will take up his/her appointment until he/she has successfully completed a period of training approved by the BFPM.  Training for newly appointed FFPMRCA examiners is Monday 16 October 2023.  

Those who cannot attend will not be able to examine in that academic year.

Mandatory training includes principles of assessment and taking part in mock exams. Before taking part independently, the examiner elect must observe the SOE Clinical and Science components of the examination.

Want to know more about examinations?

Browse our webpages on the FFPMRCA exam.