Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis

The Gap Analysis survey will be launched on 1st August and aims to identify the gap that exists in pain service as compared with the Core Standards for Pain Management Services in the UK.

Who has commissioned this work?

This Gap Analysis survey aims to identify the gap that exists in your service as compared with the Core Standards for Pain Management Services in the UK document of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. The results will be fed back to you to compare your service with the national compliance of the standards. 

Who has commissioned this work?

The survey will allow the FPM working group to establish the ‘gap’ and enable the development of standards which will be incorporated into ACSA and other related bodies. Our aim is to share results with the NHS across the devolved nations, Trust Medical Directors, via social media,  journals, and the CQC. 

What do we need from you?

We need you to participate in our questionnaire by working with your pain teams and respective managers and complete all parts of the survey questionnaire.

How long will it take to fill in the survey?

45-60 minutes.

When does this survey open and close?

Opens: 1st August 2023

Closes: 26th October 2023

How will we protect your confidentiality?

The responses will be analysed and used to determine the status of pain services across the UK. All personal information gathered from the survey will be anonymised and will not be traceable to you. The data protection statement for this survey can be read on our website.

How will we feedback your results?

Each pain service will be provided with a copy of the final national report once this is completed. This report will also include an appendix which will present the performance of each pain service against the quality metric for pain services.

Who is in the working party for this project?

The working group for this project are:

Dr Dev Srivastava (Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine)

Dr Suzanne Carty (Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine)

Dr Matthew Brown (Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine)

Dr Sailesh Mishra (Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine)

Dr Alice Hodges (Training registrar in Anaesthetics)

Mrs Emmy Kato-Clarke (Standards Manager, Faculty of Pain Medicine)

A preview of the survey questions and the help notes are available to download below. 

If you have any questions or haven't received an invite to complete the survey please email the Gap Analysis working party at

We also welcome you to share the survey with any members of your service who you believe to best placed to complete the Gap Analysis via this link


Thank you for your participation!