FPM Board Elections

There are 2 vacancies on the Faculty Board for 2025

Details of how to stand for election have been emailed to eligible fellows and members. Further details are below. 

FPM Board Vacancies

The Board of the Faculty of Medicine is the main decision-making body of the Faculty, responsible for its overall direction and strategy. The Board consists of ten elected and appointed positions and five co-opted members who make up a supportive and proactive team. 

There will be two vacancies in 2025. Elected candidates will take office at the Board meeting on 7 March 2025. The term of office will be six years in the first instance or four for those standing for a second term. Those elected for a first term will be eligible to be re-elected for a second term of four years. Those eligible to stand are: Foundation Fellows, Fellows Examination & Assessment, Fellows ad Eundem and Members of the Faculty complying with the conditions of the Ordinances and Regulations.


Candidates for election

Fellows and Members eligible to stand for election will be sent (via email) information describing the election process; emails will be sent during the week commencing 17th June 2024.  The Notice of Intention to Stand form is available on the website. The form must include the details of two Fellows, Associate Fellows or Members of the Faculty, in good standing, who support the candidate's application ( we may approach these supporters to confirm). Candidates may send, with their 'Notice of Intention to Stand' form, a statement which must not exceed 300 words (any further words will be redacted), this will comprise  two questions put to the candidate. There is no requirement to submit such a statement, it is entirely voluntary. By submitting the form, candidates are confirming that the information provided is true and correct. Any statement submitted will be published online and returned by email to the FPM secretariat contact@fpm.ac.uk


Important dates

Completed nominations forms (i.e. Notification of Intention to Stand Form) must be received by the FPM Secretariat no later than midday Wednesday 17 July 2024. Any forms received after this date will not be accepted. The names of the candidates and whom they have been nominated will be published on the FPM website on Wednesday 24 July 2024.
Voting will be carried out electronically and ballot information will be sent via email to eligible Fellows and Members: Foundation Fellows, Fellows by Examination & Assessment, Fellows ad Eundem, Associate Fellows, Affiliate Fellows and Members. For this election votes will be accepted online only. Votes must be cast by midday Wednesday 21 August 2024. The votes will then be counted and the results passed to the Faculty; candidates will be notified of the results no later than 23rd August 2024. The election results will be declared on 28 August 2024, via the Faculty website and will be published in Transmitter and the RCoA Bulletin in due course. For any queries please email contact@fpm.ac.uk

Board member Responsibilities

Excerpt from the Regulations of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (Part IX)

1    Attending meetings.  Members are expected to attend all meetings.  Members who consistently fail to attend meetings without prior leave may be removed from the Board by the Dean.  Members will also be expected to attend other major functions of the Faculty such as the Annual Meeting for Fellows and Members.

2    Delegates.  Members may not send delegates to attend in their place unless agreed by the Chair or the Dean.

3    Confidentiality.  Members of the Board should observe total confidentiality with respect to any discussions or papers considered confidential or sensitive, except where disclosure has been formally permitted.

4    Disclosure of interests

4.1    General conflicts of interest.  Before applying for the Board, members are expected to consider whether any current roles they hold would compromise the performance of their duties for the Faculty.   For example, it would be expected that Board members would not hold full roles on the Boards or Councils of similar organisations or societies.  This could pose both a conflict of interest and, in conjunctions with Regulation VI:7, is likely to affect the individual’s capacity to take forward Faculty activities. 

4.2    For individual areas.  All Members should disclose to the Chairman any relevant conflicting interest of any kind (financial or otherwise) arising in relation to any item on the agenda.  Where a relevant interest has been disclosed, the member may, subject to the Chairman’s agreement, remain during and participate in any debate on the item concerned, but must not vote.  

5    Members may be: 
a.    appointed to Faculty Committees or working groups;
b.    required to commit to events (either chairing or presenting);
c.    required to become the Responsible Officer for a consultation process;
d.    asked to represent the Faculty on external bodies;
e.    asked to contribute to the written material of the Faculty.

6    It is recommended that Members discuss their appointment with hospital colleagues and senior management.

7    Resignations

7.1    A member of the Board may tender their resignation at any time prior to the completion of their term of office.  The resignation will not take effect until accepted by the Board.

7.2   Any member of the Board who ceases the clinical practice of Pain Medicine would normally demit office from the Board at the next election.

Want to know more?
Meet the current members of our Faculty Board.