CPD and Revalidation

Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Appraisal

The Faculty of Pain Medicine is a member of the Revalidation Committee of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and also a member of the CPD Board.


Pain Medicine consultants revalidate through the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.  Revalidation is against a consultant’s current practice so if you currently undertake only Pain Medicine sessions, you will only be required to revalidate in your Pain Medicine practice, not in general anaesthetics.

The Faculty has produced The Good Pain Medicine Specialist, which contains standards for Pain Medicine specialists undertaking revalidation.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Guidance

The Royal College of Anaesthetists, Faculty of Pain Medicine and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine have developed these guidelines on CPD.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine has developed the following topics for Level 3 of the CPD Matrix:

  • Care of acute, chronic and cancer pain
  • Biopsychosocial assessment of chronic pain
  • Multidisciplinary management
  • Pharmacotherapy
  • Physical therapies
  • Interventional techniques
  • Psychological and rehabilitation approaches.

We have also developed a Patient Feedback Questionnaire that you can use for revalidation purposes.


Reflective Practice

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, UK Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans, the General Medical Council, and the Medical Schools Council have jointly developed the Reflective Practitioner guidance and the Reflective Practice Toolkit.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists, General Medical Council and other nationally recognised bodies have produced standards, recommendations and guidance, that Faculty members can use to inform their appraisal and revalidation.

Whilst CPD should be tailored to an individual’s needs (based on the outcomes of audit, reflective practice and the appraisal process), a list of Faculty-produced clinical guidelines and documents is provided as suggested reading. Familiarity with relevant specialty specific guidelines is strongly recommended by the Faculty.

The resource below provides links to relevant documents or websites where appropriate.

Relevant publications

Faculty of Pain Medicine
General Medical Council
Royal College of Anaesthetists (with FPM and FICM)
Academy of Royal Colleges

See our Guidelines and publications page

Other publications can be found on these pages:

See our External guidelines page for a full list of publications endorsed by the Faculty.

Want to know more?

Find out about upcoming Professional Development opportunities from the Faculty.