Quality Management of Training

Quality Management and Hospital Review Forms

The Faculty of Pain Medicine is committed to ensuring Pain Medicine training opportunities are of a high standard throughout the UK.

Find out about the Faculty's quality management framework, with resources to ensure regional quality management and training.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine is committed to ensuring Pain Medicine training opportunities are of a high standard throughout the UK. To achieve this, a quality feedback framework exists between the FPM, the Regional Advisors in Pain Medicine (RAPMs), Faculty Tutor (Pain) and Pain Trainees. More information about our regional trainer network can be found on this page.

Data is returned to the FPM annually from Trainee and RAPM Surveys and triennially via a Hospital Review Form (HRF). This information is combined and reviewed by our Training & Assessment Committee (TAC).


The Hospital Review Form: approving and reviewing training 

The Hospital Review Form ensures all centres that provide Stage 3 and Special Interest Area (SIA) in Pain Medicine training are able to meet the full requirements of the training programme. The FPM asks RAPMs to review the Stage 3 SIA centres in their region on a triennial basis. The information collected should also show prospective trainees, trainees and consultants the opportunities available in each region.

The process encompasses the documents below and is explained fully in the Guidance Notes:

  • The Hospital Review Form: this needs to be sent to the Faculty Tutor (Pain) in each hospital/centre providing Stage 3 SIA training in your region. They then need to be returned to the RAPM for summarising.
  • The Approval Checklist: this is for the RAPM to complete for each of the review forms within their region.
  • The Stage 3 SIA Pain Training Post summary: this is for the RAPM to complete for their region. This form will show prospective trainees what is available within each region.
  • Guidance Notes: this explains the process in more details and suggests how to review the forms.

The Hospital Review Form process is also designed for centres wishing to be recognised as a Stage 3 SIA Pain Training provider.

Trainee Survey

The FPM Trainee Survey provides an annual snapshot of Pain Training across the UK. It was also designed to generate longitudinal data to enable the Faculty to build a picture of where there may be long-term issues unique to certain sites or regions.

The survey is created by the FPM Trainee Representative and the Training Manager of the Faculty with input from the Training & Assessment Committee. The results remain confidential.

Individual responses are only seen by the Trainee Representative and the Faculty secretariat. If trainees raise major issues regarding their individual circumstances, the Trainee Representative or Faculty secretariat will approach them directly to discuss how they would like to proceed.

The survey is sent annually in the summer to all Stage 3 and Stage 3 SIA trainees registered with the Faculty. It has led to many positive developments in pain training as well as helping trainees with individual concerns.

Want to know more?

To find out about training in Pain Medicine.