Substance misuse: acute pain management
Inadequate acute pain management increases likelihood of:
- delayed recovery
- relapse to addiction
- recourse to illicit drug use
Risks to acute pain management in current opioid addicts include:
- Self-discharge because of poor analgesia
- Self-medication
- Sedation/overdose when tolerance to opioids is uncertain and when patients are using additional centrally active medications
- Diversion and misuse of drugs prescribed for acute pain
Principles of good pain management are underpinned by:
- Empathic communication with the patient and reassurance that pain will be managed optimally
- Comprehensive assessment including physical and emotional comorbidities
- Liaison with other healthcare providers and those supporting the patient
- Objective confirmation of substance misuse
- Prompt provision of appropriate opioid therapy to avoid withdrawal
- Assessment and management of anxiety
- Use of multimodal analgesia including analgesic drugs of different classes, local anaesthesia and general measures to minimise pain
- Clear plan for dose tapering as acute pain subsides
Acute pain management in patients receiving opioid substitution therapy (OST)
- Patients need on-going reassurance that their pain will be assessed and managed appropriately
- OST used to attenuate opioid withdrawal does not provide analgesia for acute pain
- The existing opioid substitution regimen should be continued
- Opioids for analgesia need to be prescribe in addition to the patient’s maintenance regimen
- The patient on substitution therapy is likely to be tolerant to the effects of opioids so may need larger than usual doses
- Patients may have increased pain sensitivity associated with their prolonged exposure to opioids
- Communication with other members of healthcare team including drug services and the patient’s GP must be maintained
For patients on methadone:
- Split the dose and administer twice or three times daily
- Titrate additional analgesia to effect
For patients on buprenorphine:
- Split the dose and administer twice or three times daily
- Titrate additional analgesia or
- Discontinue and provide alternative analgesia
- Change to methadone
Acute pain management in patients in recovery from opioid addiction: important considerations
- Risk of relapse may occur both with use of opioids AND under-treatment of pain
- Use non-opioid interventions where possible
- Careful explanation of the risks and benefits of the proposed treatment plan should be discussed with the patient
- Anxiety should be assessed and managed, if necessary with medication
- Patients may have strongly held beliefs regarding opioid therapy and these should be respected