Assessments and Logbook

It is vital that all trainees keep records of their training

Here the FPM lays out the assessment and logbook requirements when training in Pain Medicine.


The final criteria for the completion of Stage 3 SIA training in Pain Medicine requires the trainee to have successfully completed: 

  • 4 x A-CEX (one per quarter) - all SLEs should be linked to the curriculum in the LLp
  • 4 x CBD (one per quarter) - all SLEs should be linked to the curriculum in the LLp
  • 6 x DOPS - all SLEs should be linked to the curriculum in the LLp
  • 1 x MSF Assessment Form & Summary to be completed in the first half of training, and repeated if unsatisfactory
  • 16-20 sessions of cancer pain
  • all capabilities prescribed in the curriculum
  • 20 patient feedback forms
  • Quarterly Assessment/Review (appraisal) with the Faculty Tutor (Pain)
  • Logbook to be reviewed at quarterly reviews

Trainees are advised to make summary logbook sheets at each quarterly review, so that cumulative experience can be judged.

All assessments are carried out in the training centre(s). It is the responsibility of the Faculty Tutors (Pain) to nominate assessors suitable for Stage 3 SIA Pain Medicine training, and it is the responsibility of the trainee to contact the assessor to arrange a date and time for the assessment.  Assessors should be career grade doctors (Consultants or SAS grades) in Pain Medicine – with appropriate local training as clinical supervisors and the use of supervised learning events (SLEs - formerly referred to as WpBAs).

All completed assessments will be recorded on the Lifelong Learning platform (LLp), or kept in the trainees written portfolio, and will be available for review by the ARCP panel, and the RAPM on request. For doctors who cannot access the LLp, generic RCoA SLE tools can be found here.

In the case of a candidate performing unsatisfactorily, the assessment should be discussed with the Faculty Tutor (Pain) and/or assessor. Repeated unsatisfactory assessments should be discussed with the Faculty Tutor (Pain) and the RAPM (Regional Advisor in Pain Medicine). 



The Faculty have produced the following guidance for Faculty Tutors (Pain) and Trainees undertaking SLEs:

FPM Consultant Feedback Form

The Faculty has created a pain specific feedback form to evaluate trainee performance. 

FPM Logbook

The logbook should be forwarded to the RAPM by the end of month 11. The final quarterly assessment form should be completed during month 12 and forwarded to the RAPM. The RAPM and trainee should have a meeting at the end of month 12. It is expected that the RAPM will closely supervise training and assessment, and meet at regular intervals with the trainee.

The logbook is available as a smartphone HanDBase version, as developed by Dr Roger Laishley. If you would like to use this version, please email to request a copy of the mobile database file. Guidance on how to get this software on your smartphone can be found below.  

The logbook has been developed as a standalone record using a spreadsheet model and will work with Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice or iWork.  There is an FAQ included for further information within the spreadsheet. If you have any queries not covered in the FAQ, please email  Guidance can be found below for those who wish to transfer their data from version one to version two of the logbook.

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