Communications Skills Course: Effective conversations for pain clinicians

This communications skills course is designed to turn difficult pain clinic consultations into positive conversations using a wide variety of educational techniques, including medical actors. Suitable for anaesthetists and pain clinicians of all levels and experience.

-16 days left

Key details

Date: 22 January 2025 | 09:00 - 17:00

Location: London, RCoA, 35 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4SG

Availability: Places available

Clinical content lead(s): Dr Helen Makins

CPD credits: 5 anticipated

This course is designed to turn difficult pain clinic consultations into positive conversations.

Participants will learn skills which will help manage controversial scenarios, such as de-prescribing, avoiding interventions and dealing with angry and upset patients, whilst empowering patients to self-manage their pain. The course will use a wide variety of educational techniques, including medical actors, making it highly interactive, practical and fun.

The day is suitable for anaesthetists and pain clinicians of all levels and experience.


Learning objectives:

  • To support behaviour change in daily practice
  • To encourage patients to solve their own problems
  • To reduce confrontation
  • To improve clinician and patient satisfaction from consultations
  • To champion and smooth the transition to non-medical services

The course content aligns with national priorities, which include sharing decision making, personalising care and reducing reliance on dependence-forming medications, informed by the following documents:


Course Format

The content of the course is based on evidence from the Health Foundation co-creating health initiative

The day starts with the background to the course and the relevance of considering new communication and consultation skills. 

We then cover 4 essential elements of the consultation in sequence, describing and demonstrating key skills.  We explore readiness to change, agreeing an agenda for the consultation, problem solving and following up.  Skills include elements from coaching and motivational interviewing.

The afternoon is devoted to practicing skills with professional actors, using genuine and difficult pain clinic scenarios.


Feedback from previous courses:

  • Great insight to exploring new skills to use with patients
  • Good start eg not jumping in with referral reason
  • A much needed course
  • Hopefully it will become a regular feature
  • Practicing the techniques repeatedly really helped consolidate the theory
  • Very useful day overall
  • Has provided a framework to take away and use in practice.
  • The amount of practice.
  • Good content
  • Did very well to condense into a 1 day course
  • I think this course should be a compulsory component of advanced pain training- very useful.
  • Useful introduction of framework.
  • In general a very strong course
  • The facilitators were knowledgeable
  • The course was kept relevant to pain medicine
  • Important that the course was face to face
  • Overall excellent, better than I expected. I highly recommend and feel it is an essential course

Facilitators: Helen Makins, Dimple Vyas, Allistair Dodds and Sheila Black

Time Format Title
09:15-10:00  Lecture/groups

Phase 1: Exploring:

  • Key skills
  • Patient journey (Activation)
10:00-10:30    Lecture/groups

Phase 2: Planning:

  • Agenda setting
  • Importance and ambivalence
10:30-10:50 Break
10:50-11:20     Lecture/


Phase 2: Planning:

  • Confidence and resistance
  • Goal setting
11:20-12:00    Lecture/


Phase 3: Problem Solving:

  • Barriers and overcoming them
12.00 - 12.30 Lecture/ groups

Phase 4: Follow up:

  • Working with local systems
12:30-13:30 Lunch break


(15:30 Break)

Actor scenarios

Putting skills into clinical practice
16:20-16:40   Small Groups Next steps for personal practice and reflecting on objectives
16:40-17:00 Further learning

Programme subject to change.





Non Member
£285 £215 £355

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