Reasonable Adjustments Policy

Published: 01/08/2024

13. Special arrangements for pregnancy

This section applies only to candidates whose pregnancy or pregnancy-related illness, or condition renders them unable to sit an examination. This special treatment in relation to pregnancy is permitted under the Equality Act 2010.

  1. A prospective candidate must advise the Examinations Department on application or as soon as possible if:

    (a) there is a pregnancy-related problems or illness; or

    (b)  confinement is due shortly before or around the date of the examination; or

    (c) the condition gives sufficient discomfort that it will have a detrimental effect upon exam performance.

    (d) a special arrangement in respect to reasonable exam adjustment is requested.

  2. If a candidate is unable to sit the examination, they can withdraw, and the examination fee will be refunded (subject to a deduction for administrative expenses). In some circumstances, the College may be able to make an adjustment to account for pregnancy-related conditions. Candidates should contact (FFICM, FFPMRCA) to discuss possible reasonable adjustments.