Join the Faculty

Become part of the Faculty

Information, eligibility criteria and subscription rates for all membership routes for the Faculty of Pain Medicine.

As a FPM member you have access to the ‘My RCoA’ portal, where you can access your FPM membership details and update the information we hold about you quickly and easily. MyRCoA is also the portal for viewing the BJA online platform.

There are a number of different routes to join the Faculty

Joining the Faculty as a fellow, member or affiliate enables us to work on your behalf for the benefit of Pain Medicine as a specialty. Your membership means that the Faculty is able to carry out important work such as:

  • Optimising the use of pain management therapies and interventions through research, cross-organisation engagement and educational tools such as Opioids Aware
  • Building an attractive and sustainable specialty by promoting Pain Medicine, ensuring quality training and providing support for trainees and members
  • Getting the best services for our patients by developing standards and guidance, including Core Standards for Pain Management Services, and engaging with healthcare policy
  • Educating the healthcare system about pain through training and resources such as e-PAIN, Essential Pain Management UK, patient leaflets and our event programme.

Find out more about the relevant eligibility criteria for each membership route by clicking below.

Please click on image to enlarge.

FPM Fellowship and Membership Routes

The FFPMRCA examination is now a mandatory requirement for Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. Applicants must have met the following criteria in order to be eligible:

  • Successfully passed both the MCQ and SOE portions of the FFPMRCA examination

  • Have satisfactorily completed Advanced Pain Training or equivalent


  • hold a substantive NHS or Defence Medical Service Consultant post with a commitment to Pain Medicine and wish their experience to be considered


Anyone who has passed the FFPMRCA examination from the October 2017 sitting onwards will automatically be awarded FFPMRCA.

If you passed the examination prior to October 2017 you are still required to submit an application form in order to be awarded FFPMRCA.


When you submit your FFPMRCA application you must include the following:

  • Application form signed by the relevant RAPM/Clinical Director

  • Examination pass letter

  • 2 case reports and marking sheets (if APT completed before 1st January 2015) OR 1 case report (if APT completed after 1st January 2015)

  • Logbook

Please note: Trainees who are currently undertaking but have not yet completed training in Advanced Pain Medicine are not eligible to become a Fellow of the Faculty.

To download the Fellowship by Examination and Assessment application form please click here.

For persons applying for Fellowship ad Eundem who either hold a Fellowship in Pain Medicine or other specialist qualification in Pain Medicine or have been admitted to the Fellowship or Membership of another United Kingdom Medical Royal College of Faculty, or to an equivalent specialist qualification.  The applicant must have furthered the interests of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. The applicant's practice in the United Kingdom shall normally include substantive or honorary consultant posts with sessional or other contracted clinical commitment to Pain Medicine. 

To download the Fellowship ad Eundem application form please click here.

Associate Fellowship is available to medical practitioners who meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a substantive or honorary NHS Consultant post in the UK with sessional or other contracted clinical commitment to Pain Medicine
  • Are NOT full Fellows of the Royal College of Anaesthetists

In addition to the completed application form, applicants must also supply:

  • A certificate signed by the current Clinical Director verifying the applicant's current post and confirming the appointment by a properly constituted appointments panel
  • Signatures from two Fellows of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists verifying that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be given Associate Fellowship
  • A full and current CV

To download the Associate Fellowship application form please click here.

Affiliate Fellowship is available to medical practitioners who meet the following criteria:

  • Acute/inpatient pain medicine doctors OR pain consultants without the examination who are not eligible for Fellowship by any other non-examination route.
  • Must be working in a substantive or honorary NHS consultant post in the United Kingdom and practising Acute/Inpatient or Chronic Pain Medicine.

In addition to the application form, applicants must also provide a signed clinical director certificate (within the form).

To download the Affiliate Fellowship application form please click here.

Affiliate entry to the Faculty of Pain Medicine is available to healthcare practitioners who meet the following criteria:

  • must be in a substantive post in pain medicine approved by the Faculty
  • not eligible for any other membership category of the Faculty

In addition to the completed application form, applicants must also supply:

  • full and current CV
  • personal portfolio

To download the Affiliate application form please click here.

For medical practitioners employed in the United Kingdom in a substantive non-consultant career grade or Trust Grade post or other post approved by the Board in the practice of Pain Medicine who are not eligible for any other membership category. The applicant must have been awarded the Membership of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, have a contracted clinical commitment within a multi-disciplinary Pain Medicine working environment as assessed by the Board and must have completed two years of Continuing Education and Professional Development as laid down in the College's regulation for career grade doctors.

To download the Membership application form please click here.

NB: If you are planning to sit the FFPMRCA exam, you will need membership with the Faculty. Please view the examinations page found here which will help you in selecting the appropriate FPM membership. 



If you are unsure about which membership route you are eligible for, please send an email to with the following information:

  • current job title
  • clinical commitment to pain medicine
  • exam history
  • any affiliation you may have to our parent college, e.g. FRCA

Do you have an application form to submit?

Please send all completed forms and documents to:

Faculty Regulations

You can also find further detail on joining the Faculty in the current Faculty of Pain Medicine Regulations

Are you a Pain Medicine trainee?

Registering with us will give you access to additional support, regular updates and information about Faculty events and opportunities to get involved.