Recruiting to the FPM Professional Standards Committee

Published: 13/10/2023

We are recruiting for 5 vacancies to the FPM Professional Standards (FPMPSC).  Applicants will need to download  and complete an application form and submit a short CV. The deadline for applications is 5PM 6th November 2023. 


Committee Aims and Objectives

The FPMPSC was founded in March 2009 to encourage and facilitate the establishment, maintenance and improvement of good practice in all aspects of Pain Medicine. The Committee is concerned with quality improvement matters that arise within the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM), with particular reference to standards, clinical effectiveness, clinical guideline development, continuing professional development (CPD), clinical governance, research governance and the integration of any such areas into the revalidation process.  The Committee is also concerned with providing advice on best standards to other organisations. The FPMPSC reports to the Faculty Board.



Members of the Committee should observe total confidentiality with respect to any discussions or papers considered confidential or sensitive, except where disclosure has been formally permitted.


Terms of Office

The term of office for Committee members is three years.  Second terms are at the discretion of the Faculty Board. 


Person Specification

Those eligible must meet the following criteria;

  • Be a Fellow, Associate Fellow, Affiliate Fellow or Member of the Faculty of Pain Medicine in active practice. 
  • Up to date of current matters affecting the specialty.
  • Capacity to undertake the role.  It is recommended that potential Committee Members discuss their appointment with hospital colleagues and senior management to ensure they can dedicate the appropriate time to the role.

We are particularly interested in applications from clinicians working in paediatrics, cancer pain, neuromodulation and chronic & acute pain. 

Appointed candidates’ start dates will be staggered with the first cohort in March 2024.  



On beginning your appointment you will join an enthusiastic and knowledgeable committee, with an encouraging Chair and Deputy Chair.  They will support you from your first meeting and throughout the first year, liaising with you with regards to projects and work streams that require input.  The FPM Secretariat will be on hand to support you as you join this Committee and with any subsequent workflow. 



  • Reading all papers and emails relevant to the work of the Committee.
  • Attending all required meetings and taking an active part in the discussions.
  • Taking on projects and work streams of the Committee.
  • Writing updates, proposals or other written materials for the work of the Committee.
  • Producing articles or content for the FPM newsletter, Transmitter, and the Faculty website.
  • Attending all meetings of their assigned boards, committees or working groups.  
  • Upholding the high standard of the Faculty and its work.



  • The Committee meets four times a year.  Travel expenses are reimbursed subject to the standard arrangements. 
  • Meetings are held in person and remotely with a 50/50 split
  • Typically Committee meetings are from 1.30-4.30pm.
  • Committee Members are expected to attend all meetings. 
  • Committee Members may not send delegates to attend in their place.
  • Disclosure of interest.  All Committee Members should disclose to the Chairman any relevant conflicting interest of any kind (financial or otherwise) arising in relation to any item on the agenda.  


Meeting arrangements

  • Meetings of the Committees will normally be held at the Royal College of Anaesthetists in London.
  • The business of a meeting of the Committee will comprise the minutes of the previous meeting, and may include presentations, progress updates on projects and initiatives, and the receipt of minutes of Sub-Committees that report to FPMPSC. 
  • Copies of the Agenda and accompanying papers will be sent to Committee members in advance.
  • Members can request the Chair to add items to the agenda in advance of the meeting.
  • All members are encouraged to feel able to speak freely and contribute to the discussions.  


Calendar of forthcoming committee dates

  • Thursday 7th March 2024 (remote)
  • Thursday 20th June 2024 (London)
  • Thursday 12th September 2024 (remote)
  • Thursday 5th December 2024 (London)



Any questions?  Email Emmy Kato-Clarke, the secretary for this committee if you would like further information or an opportunity for an informal discussion (

Application deadline: 5PM Monday 6th November 2023