FPM Exam Handbook

Published: 19/05/2022

Applying for the examination

The Examination will be advertised in the examinations section of the FPM website. This section will feature the timetable, regulatory documents, booking information and additional key information about submitting applications. An application will need to be submitted with the correct fee and supporting paperwork (including certificates) prior to 5pm on the agreed deadline. An acknowledgement email will be sent upon receipt of the application. Formal admission forms will be dispatched ten days prior to the examination bearing instructions and the Candidate Number.

Candidates must apply for each section of the examination separately. The examinations calendar allows candidates who are successful at the MCQ to apply for the SOE in the same sitting (autumn or spring).

Relevant Transmitter articles on quality assurance (spring 2015), examiner gender spring 2020), differential attainment (spring 2020) and the remote examination (spring 2021) are available and have been compiled.